Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Engage or Ignore? How Do You Respond To Street Team Marketers?

We've all encountered street team marketers. We see them at concerts, clubs, on the street or at the mall passing out samples, performing or simply chatting up potential customers. In my previous post, I shared my favorite encounter with a street team. Granted, they were promoting a well-established brand, Oscar Mayer, one that I'm fond of, so I was more than willing to give them my time. And they really turned up the cool factor by traveling in the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile.

Guerilla marketing, which includes the use of street teams has grown in acceptance as an important part of the marketing mix. In fact, for some companies the use of street teams has become a real tour de force of their marketing efforts. Red Bull should immediately come mind.

But what about you? How do you respond to street teams? Do you stop to hear what they're talking about or rush to pass them by? Let me know by posting a comment.

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